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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Late Night Work and The Side Effects

Long time since I blogged , It is a combination of being lazy and being busy.
I think being lazy is the reason and busy the excuse.

Lately I have been working late at work for the launch of the next big product for my company.
Late night work at a Tech company is always Interesting.You make good friends, engage in interesting conversation, get free dinner, free massages etc. Also for some reason I am more productive when I work at night, very few people are around and you get more work done.

As I am waiting on my colleague to continue my work some of my random thoughts about recent events

1) Presidential Election and the aftermath : I am excited about Obama's victory. I consider this a historic result. The economy is a concern and here I am a bit concerned that we might over regulate. I believe in free economy with proper controls and at the same time I think over regulation hurts. Bailing out big companies seems to be the trend. I look forward to see when we are going to have the direct benefits of this practice.

2) Prop 8: I am sad with the results of Prop 8. I hope to soon see this overturned.
In general I think government should stay out of our personal lives.
Marriage is a personal choice and everyone should have this option and the laws should not regulate one way or the other.

3) Nurall: I am excited about
We are making good progress here. We are building tools with great content, I look forward to provide you more news on this front. On a more broader scale I see how websites are going to be places with content and users .We look at this as connections. These connections should be used on both nurall and outside nurall. More on this as we release additional features.
Working on a start up like Nurall is both exciting and frustrating. We are excited about the possibilities and frustrated at the speed and what we can get done. Our team is learning to be more disciplined and attack the problem.

I am looking forward to post more often, as always I love your feedback
